SUP Certification

SUSCERT SUP, the demand for sustainable products comes from a wide range of stakeholders, including retailers, consumers, and investors. There is a growing awareness among consumers that green products help us live a safer, more secure, and sustainable lifestyle, which pressures brands and retailers to focus on product sustainability. Additionally, investors are pushing companies to take tangible steps towards sustainability, such as certifying the sustainability of their products.

SUSCERT SUP is a certification program that subjects products to international certification as proof after being produced by organizations striving for sustainable and natural resource, zero-waste practices, and particularly working to reduce carbon footprints. This certification program is applied to meet the export and global market goals and customer expectations, as well as to comply with international legal regulations and local laws, as well as other mandatory conditions related to climate change.

Sustainable product certification is provided in various categories:

  • Electrical and Energy Equipment
  • Furniture
  • Electronics
  • Construction/Building Materials
  • Personal Care Products
  • Cleaning Products
  • Hygiene Papers
  • Packaging
  • Medical Equipment/Products
  • Tourism/Hotels/Restaurants and other businesses
  • Public Institutions/Schools/Universities
  • Healthcare Sector
  • Transportation/Communications

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SUSTCERT4BIOBASED: Sustainability certification schemes and labels for industrial biobased systems

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